Expert Guides
Why are BlindBolt bearing resistances higher in the Eurocode compared to BS 5950?
Why are BlindBolt bearing resistances higher in the Eurocode compared to BS 5950? Blindbolt UK | 12th June 2023 The issue is not related to a BlindBolt but reflects the much larger bearing resistance according to the Eurocode, compared to BS 5950. Whilst it is not stated explicitly in BS 5950, the bearing resistance check…
Characteristic Resistances or Design Resistances?
Characteristic Resistances or Design Resistances? Blindbolt UK | 31st August 2022 This article discusses the design data provided by BlindBolt, which are all design resistances and should be compared directly with the design loads (ultimate loads) applied to the fixing. The design resistances were determined from an extensive series of physical tests of different bolt…
Blind Bolt Resistance: Ultimate Resistances or Safe Working Loads?
Ultimate Resistances or Safe Working Loads? Blindbolt UK | 24th August 2022 This article discusses the alternative approaches to structural design in the UK, Europe and North America, the terminology which might be referenced when describing loads on fasteners and how the fasteners resistance (Blind Bolt resistance) tables presented by BlindBolt should be used. Allowable…
Product Assurance – Bespoke Fasteners
Product Assurance – Bespoke Fasteners Blindbolt UK | 28th December 2021 Blind Bolt Standard Fasteners Standard nuts, bolts and washers are manufactured in accordance with national or international standards and must be CE Marked when used in Europe (or UKCA Marking in the UK). There are no harmonised European standards for bespoke fasteners, which means…
4 Ways to Join Steel with One-Sided Access
4 Ways to Join Steel with One-Sided Access Blindbolt UK | 21st December 2021 Blind Bolts Several techniques can be used to connect steel components together when access is only possible from one side – typically connections to structural hollow sections or when access to both sides of a connection is limited for some other…
How to Connect Steel Hollow Sections
How To Connect Steel Hollow Sections Blindbolt UK | 14th December 2021 Blind Bolts for Steel Hollow Sections Steel hollow sections are specified because of their structural efficiency and aesthetic appeal. Structurally, circular and square hollow sections have identical properties in both axes, in contrast, to open sections which have a weaker minor axis. Steel…