Expert Guides
Blind Fixings to Steelwork: What Are the Options?
Blind Fixings to Steelwork: What Are the Options? Blindbolt UK | 21st October 2021 Blind Fixing When Are Blind Fixings Needed? The obvious answer is when access is only possible from one side. Common situations are for connections to hollow sections and to other fabricated closed profiles. Sometimes, access to both sides of a joint…
Hollow Sections: Welded or Bolted Joints?
Hollow Sections: Welded or Bolted Joints? Blindbolt UK | 6th October 2021 Blind Bolts The advantages of hollow sections are clear – lightweight, structurally efficient and ideal for exposed steelwork. The challenge comes when forming joints, particularly when connecting other members or fittings to hollow sections. The common solution is to weld, which is fine…
Blind bolts, Hollo-bolts and Box bolts
Blind Bolts vs. Hollo-bolts vs. Box Bolts Blindbolt UK | 29th September 2021 Blind Bolts “Blind” fixings When access for a bolted connection is from one side only, so-called “blind” fixings are the answer. Blind fixings are commonly used when bolting plates or fittings to hollow sections, but may also be used when access to…
Fasteners Used Within the Civil Engineering Sector
Fasteners Used Within the Civil Engineering Sector Blindbolt UK | 6th July 2021 Blind Bolt Fasteners There are a number of fasteners used within the civil engineering sector, and as their name suggests, they are used to join (fasten) two or more objects together. In this article, we will take a closer look at what…
Blind Bolts Vs Fang Bolts
Blind Bolts Vs Fang Bolts Blindbolt UK | 29th June 2021 Blind Bolt Fasteners There are many types of fasteners used in the world today, and while used in a variety of different ways, the purpose of a fastener remains the same: To join (or fasten) two or more objects together. Within this article, we…
4 Types of Fasteners Used for Thin-Walled Joints
4 Types of Fasteners Used for Thin-Walled Joints Blindbolt UK | 31st March 2021 Thin Wall Bolt (TW Bolt) When it comes to thin-walled joints, there are four main types of fasteners that can be used including thin wall bolts, tapping screws, blind rivets and conventional rivets. Each of these different fastener types have their…