Technical webinars available from Blind Bolt
Now offering free one-hour webinars on the design and use of BlindBolt fixings used in steelwork connections when access to the fixing is from one side only.
The webinar will discuss the applications, test programme, design resistances and commonly asked questions about the use of these innovative fasteners. The webinars are aimed at structural engineers and connection designers working to American standards.
- More detail on each topic can be found by following the links.
- Continuing Professional Development certificates will be available for all attendees.
To register your interest and arrange a convenient time, please either complete the contact form below or email us on technical@blindbolt.com

Blind Bolt Company Webinars
Click the '+' icon next to each title for more information about each webinar subject
This one-hour webinar will discuss the applications, test programme, design resistances and commonly asked questions about the use of these innovative fasteners. The webinar is aimed at structural engineers and connection designers working to American design standards.
To register your interest and receive the programme of webinars or to arrange an in-house presentation, please complete the form below or email technical@blindbolt.com
Hollow sections may be specified for their structural efficiency and aesthetic appeal and bolted site connections developed to simplify steel erection on site. This one-hour webinar will cover the design and detailing of nominally pinned connections (shear only), moment-resisting connections and connections subject to torsion.
To register your interest and receive the programme of webinars or to arrange an in-house presentation, please complete the form below or email technical@blindbolt.com
AISC 360-22 states that when bolts or other fasteners in tension are attached to an unstiffened box or HSS wall, the strength of the wall shall be determined by rational analysis. This one-hour webinar will discuss the methods of assessing the resistance of HSS walls subject to concentrated tensile forces.
To register your interest and receive the programme of webinars or to arrange an in-house presentation, please complete the form below or email technical@blindbolt.com
Contact the Blind Bolt Technical Team
If you have a question or query, or would like to arrange a webinar for your company, please complete the short form below and a technical representative will contact you to discuss your requirements.